Correlation Between FAS Gene Polymorphism (rs:1800682) and their Serum Level with Psoriasis Patients

  • 1Zena M. Joodi, 1Basima Q. Hasan AL-Saadi


Psoriasis is a chronic, multifactorial inflammatory skin condition can be defined by keratinocyte hyper proliferation that is mediated by T cells. It is immune-mediated inflammatory skin disease with multiple phenotypically distinct subtypes it a major genetic component, with heritability estimated to be (60-90%) The goal of the current study is  genotyping of  the FAS (Fas cell surface receptor gene ( -671 A>G (rs:1800682), and evaluate its serum  level in   Iraqi patients with psoriatic.100 blood samples collected from December 2022 to February 2023. The blood samples split into two groups first  50 psorasis  patients (30males and20  females)  with age range (17-66years)  second group 50 healthy  individual  (24 males 26 females ) with age range (20-60 years) visit the Dermatology Department at Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital in Baghdad, Iraq. Two techniques were used in the research, the first is (PCR-HRM) to investigation gene polymorphism  and the second technique is EIISA to detect FAS serum level.  The  aimed to investigate wheth­er FAS (Fas cell surface receptor gene ( -671 A>G (rs:1800682) with FAS serum level. the result suggest  that there are  three genotype (AA),(AG),(GG) in current study  shows statistically significance in the (AA) genotype frequency in the FAS gene with a percentage in psoriasis  patients (6%versus 24% in healthy individuals) respectively. The (AG) genotype shows non-significant differences between psoriasis  patients  and control the( P-value =0.612) respectively While the GG genotype shows non-significant frequency in psoriasis  patients compared control group with (p-value =0.297). and findings that the  FAS serum in patient  high significantly  different between psoriasis patients when compared to the healthy controls with  (P 0.01). It was concluded that found correlation between  genotyping and serum level for FAS (rs 1800682)gene (AA) genotype serum level that  significant different from (GG) genotype serum level with p-value(P≤0.05).
