Polymorphism of Kunitz Trypsin Protease Inhibitor (KTI-2) in Some Glycine Max Var

  • 1Aya R. Gomaa, 2Osamah A., 1Majid Sh. Hamdallah


Kunitz Trypsin Protease Inhibitor enzyme is a type of protein found in legume seeds that works as a protease inhibitor. Kunitz-type soybean trypsin inhibitors are usually specific for trypsin, which is secreted by the pancreas, leading to a lack of trypsin in the body and resulting in dyspepsia of proteins, pancreatic expansion and other health problems. The aim of the study to evaluate the glycine max genome sequences have been retrieved from GenBank-NCBI for cultivars Wm82, Lee, and ZH13. The targeted trypsin sequence    (KTI-2) was searched through the assembled genomes using map to reference tool. The KTI-2 sequence was about 872 bp and existed in the three assembled genomes with 100% match. Searching through mRNA sequences of the three genomes revealed that three copies of KTI-2 were found in Wm82 and Lee cultivars each, while only one copy found in ZH13 cultivar with different consistency percentages and lengths. The amino acid lengths ranged between 91 and 216 amino acids, however, 210 amino acids. corresponded to 100% pairwise identity. It was concluded the convergence of mRNA sequences and amino acid lengths among the studied cultivars refers to appear some modifications in the structural gene.  The results revealed that the KTI2 gene is a stable and conserved feature in the studied soybean cultivars.
