Alteration of M and N Genes of Corona Virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
One hindered fifty swabs and whole blood were collected from mild, moderate and sever Covid-19 patients (as well as apparently Healthy control) who admitted to Anbar Hospital and Anbar Health department from the period of August, 2020 to March, 2021 to identify the strain of viruses using two regions from N and M genes and the role of ACE-2 SNP rs 228666 and gene expression of ACE-1 and ACE-2 genes in disease severity. The locations of the coronavirus M and N genes were screened by direct sequencing from 15 patients with mild Covid-19 disease and 15 patients with severed Covid-19 disease for each gene. The sequences of that detected in patients were directly compared with virus reference sequences (http:NCBI Reference Sequences: (MZ397170.1 , ON406016.1 and OV237507.1). The comparison between subjects, reference sequence and Sequence analysis of the M and N gene locations were summarized in table (2). It was concluded that there were five novel deletions of the gene N in two severed Covid-19 patients and two deletions of the M gene in one severed Covid-19 patient.