Association of Gene Expression of Insulin like Growth Factor-1 (IGF1) with some Quantitative Traits for Fallow Deer (Dama dama) in Iraq

  • Israa A Fadhil1 Basima Q. Alsaadi2


Insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) gene is play a vital role in cell development. The current study was illustrated the impact of IGF1(exon2) gene expression on some quantitative traits in Iraqi Fallow deer. The purity of total RNA samples was ranged from (1.76 to 2.10) in all samples under study. Ct value mean of GAPDH gene is (25.23±0.27), while (17.51 ± 1.65) in target gene. By Sacace qPCR machine, Ct values for GAPDH gene was illustrated and ranged from (22 to 27) and (20 to 27) was appeared for candidate gene. Dissociation curves was taken directly for GAPDH gene (Tm=79.5°C to 81°C) and IGF1 (exon2) gene (Tm=80°C to 81°C) and the peaks were showed single distinct for all samples. The perfect peak appears with the primer temperature about (60ºC) for both genes. The relationship between IGF1 (exon2) gene expression with Fallow deer parameters are showed a significant association (P≤0.05) was observed for sex (male and female) 1.27±0.11 and 1.006±0.08 respectively. A significant effect (P≤0.05) were showed among groups of parity with high expression are observed in 3rd parity (1.890 ± 0.12). Among study groups, no difference was observed for IGF1(exon2) gene between either age or antlers production. There is a significant correlation (P≤0.05) between IGF1 (exon2) gene and body weight of Iraqi Fallow deer (-0.25). Also, the results were mentioned a significant correlation (P≤0.05) (-0.29) between target gene and body length. The IGF1 (exon2) correlation coefficient observed non-significant effects and negative impacts with heart girth and height at shoulders. The results were observed negative significant of regression (P≤0.05) for body weight with IGF1(exon2) gene expression were (-0.0344) and the determination coefficient (R2) was 0.18. A negative significant regression (P≤0.05) was determined in present study between folding of candidate gene and body length (-0.0296) and R2 is recorded about (0.27). No significant effects of IGF1 (exon2) folding was observed with heart girth and height at shoulder. The current study was the first study that investigates the gene expression quantity of IGF1 gene in Iraqi Fallow deer.
