Role of leukemia inhibitory factor(LIF) gene variation on implantation rate following IVF program in PCOS and non PCOS women

  • Zena F. Hussein1̽ , Bushra J. Al- M , Ismail H. Aziz3 , Saad S. Al-Dujaily 4


Implantation of the blastocysts into the maternal uterus is a crucial step in mammalian reproduction, which is controlled by a number of complex molecules like hormones, cytokines, and growth factors and their cross talk. A network of these molecules plays a crucial role in preparing receptive endometrial and blastocysts. This  study aimed to found out the role of Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) , gene expression, concentration and  genetic polymorphisms in the endometrial that may interfere with implantation process of  polycystic ovary  syndrome(PCOS) and non-PCOS women. A convenient blood  (6ml)sample of 80 infertile women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) program were intentionally divided according to the cause of infertility into 40 healthy women their husbands complaining from male infertility factors, and 40 infertile women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Leukemia inhibitory factor( LIFs) were measured on ovulatory and  luteal phase of cycle (CD14-CD16,17) at the day of ovarian pickup and embryo transfer by using quantitive polymerase  chain reaction(qPCR ), Elisa technique  ,polymerase chain reaction(PCR) and  sequencing to determine any genetics polymorphisms in  LIFgene study. Results of the present study indicate that no mutation was detected in LIF gene in the healthy and PCOS women.  The LIF gene expression in addition to levels of  serum leukemia inhibitory factors are  more valuable in  predicting  the  pregnancy out come in infertile PCOS women than in  non-PCOS women .This result  can be utilized to be used as predictors  of  implantation window for successful implantation and pregnancy.                                                                                 
